I know we all have had "those" people who have said, "come to this meeting I have something I want to show you." Well I have turned in to one of "those" people, not that there is anything wrong with those people. I have found out recently that it is an exciting busniess. If you were wondering why I decided to do this, let me share with you a little about it. The name of the product is Mondelis. Monde in french means world and the L I S on the end stands for Leading, Internet, Society. Now I know all of you have something to do with the internet or you would not be reading this blog. I am willing to bet that most of you reading this have purchased something on line in the past 6 months and I am also willing to bet that a good percentage of you have played some sort of video game in the past year. There are so many people on Facebook that if it were a country it would be the 5th largest in the world. The internet is part of everyday life for the majority of people all over the world. Well Mondelis gives you the opportunity to create income with the internet, games and shopping.
I did all of my Christmas shopping online this year because I was so busy. I wish I had know about Mondelis then because I would have been able to shop with a discount at many of the stores I purchased things from. With the rising gas prices there is also a great gas program that can get you 25$ a month for going to the same gas station to fill up.
I like Mondelis because it is not a pill, lotion, magic drink or a soap. I don't have to keep an inventory in my garage that will take me forever to sell. The online games that will be a part of Mondelis are sold online, at video game stores and other everyday stores like walmart, target, and best buy. They are out there and people who play video game will have no trouble finding them and downloading them so they can play. Why not get a piece of the pie.
I figured this would be a great opportunity for me personally as well. This is a chance to get out there and meet people, force myself to be more sociable. I am setting goals and working on reaching them. It is a great overall experience for me. If this is something you would like to learn more about go to http://www.mindolamay.mondelis.net/ and look around. There are weekly conference calls and webinars to help with learning and growing your business. It really is quite fun. Check it out.......... You never know you might become one of "those" people yourself and love it too!
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